The Beginning Of My Isis Ka Practitioner Training

Ceyda Seren
3 min readAug 3, 2022

Chronicle of my journey to becoming Isis Ka Practitioner (soul purpose work)

In the summer of 2018, I started receiving the thought

“remember who you are.”

This got my attention.

I was led to Abraham Hicks and began devouring audios on YouTube. This is the only thing that kept me going at a job I loathed and a career I was no longer passionate about.

I told myself one day I would attend an Abraham event and end up on stage. I set that intention and on May 18, 2019, I attended an event in Chicago, and out of over 1k attendees, was one of eight people who ended up on stage with Abraham.

William Farlow — Woman praying in front of water

I realized the power of my intentions and that I shouldn’t settle for anything that wasn’t making me happy so I started intending my departure from corporate.

I decided to jump into coaching because I’m a natural coach. I always seem to draw those types of conversations out of people. I can’t tell you how many times a stranger has said to me “I have no idea why I’m telling you this…I never talk about this.”

One thing lead to the next and here’s how the next few years went:

  • Coaching certifications: focused mostly on conscious changes
  • RTT Practitioner: learned advanced hypnotherapy to weed out beliefs from the subconscious so that conscious changes are supported
  • HeartHealingTM: the heart stores hurt and wounding from childhood so it’s necessary to clear the heart for total abundance
  • Superconscious Recode: instead of revisiting the trauma of the past, I learned how to move toward my desires by shifting my timeline within the field of information that goes beyond my subconscious
  • Channeling: instead of looking outside myself for guidance, I realized my higher self and spirit team were trying to give me nudges to help me on my path so I learned to tap into their intel by speaking directly with them, and I know when I’m tuned in because my crown starts tingling
  • Aura reading/clearing: I learned to read auras & chakras and find out what is working for me, what might be standing in my way and clear the blockages using spiritual tools that I have been attuned to (this works better when doing it on other people though)
  • Quantum Human Design: one size does not fit all and to really make a change in my life, I needed to know my own, specific energetic blueprint; this way I would also avoid spending a lifetime trying to fix something within me that is not broken and it helped me understand how I’m meant to move through this life; this led me to ask for more guidance on life purpose

And that is where I am at right now. I’ve been asking for a way to find out really, truly what is my purpose and how I can deliver on it.

At a high level, in 2021 I was told that I am meant to activate and amplify the divine feminine energy by working with my spirit team.

My request for more has been answered. My channeling mentor recently announced that she would be channeling Goddess Isis and training a handful of women, about 20 of us, to perform Isis Ka activations.

What does that even mean?

When someone receives a session they will experience the following:

  • Remembrance of their soul and who they came here to be
  • Clarity on their soul purpose and soul mission work
  • Deepened soul alignment in their life and business
  • Attracting soul-based relationships (not karmic)
  • Activating soul and psychic gifts
  • Deepening the psychic channel
  • Expanded energy, and creativity
  • Open and activated heart chakra
  • Shifting cells to resonate on a higher frequency, which provides quantum shifts in their life

This is an 8-month journey.

I can’t wait to learn more about myself and share this journey right here with those that are intrigued or resonate with my energy.



Ceyda Seren

Ex-corporate Gal | Following My Soul’s Path | Remember Your Gifts